Temps de Flors: Girona Flower Festival

Girona Flower Festival 2012 by Cristina | flickr

Each year, during May, thousands of people from all over Spain travel to Girona to admire the historical city bedecked with floral displays. During this festival, visitors have a chance to not only satisfy the vision with colorful streets and displays at no cost but also access to the heritage and buildings that are not usually open for tourists.  

Barcelona´s district, this month: Poblenou


Welcome to the trendiest neighborhood in Barcelona – Poblenou! Yes, the trendiest one.

Poblenou is a fairytale story for most of the people. Living in Poblenou is amazing, for everyone who has been there: from the seaside, the young and active business culture, to the artist atmosphere that you can feel in every corner. If you do not have a chance to live your life in Poblenou, spending your holiday in an apartment here to explore the neighborhood is fair enough.