October in Madrid

  In October the capital of Spain offers something for everyone's taste. You can go and enjoy high-class exhibitions, shows and of course football matches.     World Press Photo 2017 LASEDE COAM e Inglesia de San Antón exhibits the yearly World Press Photo with the winning images from 2016. The photos recall that what […]

September in Madrid

  In September you can enjoy various music concerts around Madrid.     DCODE Festival 2017 DCODE 2017 is organized in Madrid on Saturday 9th September. The festival takes place in the Madrid Complutense University’s campus. DCODE is an all-day music festival: the concerts will be going on from 12am, Saturday midday, until 6am in the […]

Experience a Rowboat Ride in Ciutadella Park

Parc de la Ciutadella

  A recommendable activity to enjoy a day outdoors is to go and rent a rowboat in the Ciutadella Park.     The Ciutadella Park is the biggest park in Barcelona. It covers up to 18 hectares, and the area includes a lake, a large fountain designed by Josep Fontserè, the Zoo of Barcelona and the […]

September in Barcelona

Photo: motiqua / Flickr.com

  In September is celebrated the biggest street festival in Barcelona, called Festes de la Mercè.     Street festivals Festes de la Mercè La Mercè is the biggest street festival in Barcelona and held every year around 25th of September. This year the festivities are celebrated from 22nd to 25th of September. La Mercè festival has […]