November… The end of the season, the month of true autumn with daytime temperatures as high as 17°C and as low as 8°C might not sound very inviting and Spanish-like, but it sure does have plenty of advantages and events to attract you there!
This month in Barcelona
October in Barcelona

The tranquility of the main attractions due to the low tide of tourists, still sunny and dry weather − that is October in Barcelona. If that is not enough, there are plenty of festivals and activities happening in October, so be sure to end the vacation season right by visiting this beautiful city! To make it easier for you, here is a compilation of some of the events happening in October.
September in Barcelona

It’s all about a nice weather with sunny days, not as burning as August but warm enough for beaches. Less tourist staying in town but the city is full of festivals, from the neighborhood local festival Festa Major, National Day of Catalonia to the festival of festivals La Merce.