In August Barcelona is bustling of concerts and street festivals. Mas i Mas Festival Mas i Mas group have long roots and over 30 years of experience on organizing concerts and music events in Barcelona. Mas i Mas Festival have been held yearly since 2003. This year the festival is going on […]
Join The Anniversary And Celebrations Of The Barcelona Olympic Games ’92

It's 25 years since the Olympic Games and Paralympics were organized in Barcelona. The affect of the Olympics can still be seen in the city. 25th Anniversary of Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games and Paralympics The Olympic Games and Paralympics were organized in Barcelona in summer 1992, and this year mark the 25th anniversary. The anniversary will be celebrated […]
Are You A Fan Of Classic Music?

BACHcelona festival takes over Barcelona this week. At this festival you'll learn everything about Johann Sebastian Bach. Festa Major del Poble Sec From Friday 14th to Sunday 23rd of July is held the Festa Major of Poble Sec neighborhood. At this annual summer street festival you can see many Catalan traditions, such as correfoc fireruns, Catalan […]
Make A Donation By Booking With Habitat Apartments

Habitat Apartments is taking part in the citizen enterprise network Casal dels Infants association by offering a Solidarity Check-In, in which every booking is a donation. This year the Solidarity Check-In initiative celebrates its 5th anniversary. The project is bringing together Casal dels Infants and the tourism industry from Barcelona, aiming to […]